10 April 2022

Tough as nails.

 10 April, 2022 (Sunday)

   My daughters are all the bomb in their own respective ways. That absolutely goes without saying. They make me proud to be a Mom. And you know, I always wanted to be a Momma when I was growing up. I also suffered with fertility problems so each of my children come with their own unique stories, and each were extremely wanted and loved even before their arrival. But this blog is following the adventures of my oldest daughter Kristi. She is currently doing what so many, maybe thousands wish they could do, but for whatever reasons they can't or won't do what it takes to make this happen for them. 

    Kristi had a desk job in an insurance company in Dallas. She was a sales and retention specialist. She had a lovely apartment in Dallas, and her world seemed grand. She had so many choice and dear friends in her mid-singles ward there (at Church) and they went on adventures nearly weekly investigating the great sights of not only Dallas, but they even went all over the State of Texas and up to a Cabin in Oklahoma to fish, hike, boat, and tube. I think these trips with her friends inspired her love of hiking and the great outdoors. In her musical theater heart was born a love for exploration, beauty, peace, and solitude. 

    Kristi watched a movie about the Pacific Crest Trail called 'Wild' and the idea was planted. Soon she was spending her extra time researching, and digging into what it would take to make this happen. The obstacles seemed insurmountable at first, but in her mind, dreams, and prayers she was feeling a yearning to make this happen for herself. So, she asked me if she could come live with me for a few months while she prepared to hike the PCT. I was like, "Huh?" lol. In October 2021 I flew to Dallas to help her move out of her 3rd story apartment aided by her wonderful friends, and the Missionaries she put most of her things in a storage unit. And then after spending a few days with Cami & Jesse, we drove to Utah. But we had a few extra days so we went to see The Grand Canyon, which neither of us had ever seen before. I had seen pictures, but The Grand Canyon is something that nearly cannot be described with mere words. You must personally stand, mouth agape, stare, experience, and have all the descriptive words flood your overwhelmed mind and heart. I was drawn to God through that experience and when I saw Kristi there, I had an 'Ahhh hahhhh!' moment where I could understand my Kristi on a deeper, freer level. 

Kristi sporting the Grand Canyon as her backdrop. 

    When we got home she immediately began looking for a job. But she didn't just want any job, nope, NO desk jobs! Kristi knew she wanted to deliver boxes for FedEx, or UPS, or Amazon Prime. I think it was 2 days after we arrived she had a start date to begin working running boxes for Prime. She wanted this job to help her condition her body, legs, and back with the running, lifting, stairs, steep driveways, and goals. In her down time from work she was constantly researching products, gear, food, tents, everything she'd need to be successful. Everything, every single piece of equipment was researched and purchased with the goal that everything had to be ultra-light. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Which was fascinating even to us lay people. 

Kristi running boxes in the winter. 
With a happy heart. 

    I've seen this go from a spark of an idea, to a passion. I watched as she made tough decisions, uncomfortable decisions to make this happen. I how she really put personal agency on the line when pavement met the road. She was free...and if she wanted something bad enough then it was within her choices and power to make them happen. And as she prayed about this she found answers, ideas, and the courage to go for it. 

    Yes, I'm just the Thru Hiker's Momma, but I am like so many of you who are excited, inspired, and routing for her. We are thankful for all the support she has received. Thank you. 

    I can't seem to get enough of her phone calls, and listen to her talk to me and tell me her news. Trust me when I say I am jotting notes about what she is saying, where she is, challenges ahead, or ones behind. Like yesterday she finally got to a water spot with only 1/2 liter of water left and when searching for her water filter she found it had somehow fallen off her pack. But soon another two hikers came along and let her use their filter to get water. She was trying to get to Mountain Center, CA but now it was imperative. She would have stayed the night and camped with the girls last night but she was over 13 miles away from Mountain Center. So she put her head lamp on, left the girls and hiked another three miles further. You see, in Mountain Center is the trail famous Paradise Valley Cafe, and the most notorious burgers on the PCT. And she was about out of food too and they close at 3pm sharp. So she didn't want to risk having to go a full 13 miles today before 3pm. Thus she hiked an additional 3 miles in the dark last night alone. 

    I talked to her a while ago and she only had .08 miles to the road and another mile to hitch into town. It was 1pm. She was tired, her feet were aching, and she'd run out of food. Since she felt she should push on another 3 miles last night by the time she got to a place to camp she was too tired to cook and eat. She just ate some snacks and bedded down for the night. So being this close to town, she said she was so hungry and tired she felt like she was soon to hit a wall. I stayed on the phone with her as much as I could as I am at work. And I could hear the fatigue in her voice. She said she was almost this tired on one of her first days when she hit her 20 mile mark and was like...Holy COW! I'm going 2630 more! When she got to  Highway 74 she said she could almost smell the cafe and she didn't have time to stop and wait for a ride in case one didn't come so she was practically running into town. I tell you what...I was amazed at how quickly she did that last mile to that Cafe! I too was so happy for her when she saw a few of her hiker friends so she didn't have to eat alone. The wait time for a table inside was an hour. But they told Kristi she could go in and order now and they'd just call them and they could sit outside and eat. So she was like... GREAT! 

                                       What do ya think, does she deserve this meal? 😁👍🏻💗


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