22 March 2022

Pacific Crest Trail...The eagle has landed and she is walking!

Jane Thurston, Kristi, and Ted Thurston
These are Emily's parents (Kristi's favorite Mission 
companion and dearest friend) They picked her up at
the airport yesterday, treated her like royalty, and
brought her to Campo this morning. We are so thankful
for Jane and Ted and their gracious, thoughtful service.

The wall between Mexico and the USA.

Kristi with her pack on ready to go.

 22 March, 2022

  This is the beginning of my blog, but not the beginning of our story. I am sure the telling will unfold like a great novel, or maybe not. But like John-boy Walton, Jane Austin, Laura Ingalls Wilder, or Lucy Maud Montgomery I was born to write. Like the afore mentioned I think my best writing is when I try to capture the moments that I know, what feels right and true, that which inspires, encourages honesty, integrity, and great faith. I find joy in writing about those who have influenced me, but especially those whom I love. 

   Thus this blog is born today because I will be blogging about the adventures of may daughter, Kristi, who just embarked this morning on the adventure of a lifetime. She is hiking The Pacific Crest Trail from the Mexican Border to Canada. She will endeavor to hike each step of the mind boggling 2,650 MILES of her journey. 

   Kristi is an incredible human. She is an inspiration to me and so many others for various reasons I will touch on as this journey of hers unfolds. But to those she has touched from places such as Texas, Utah, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, California, New York, and places in between I will do my best to keep the promises made to keep you informed, and to try to give you a glimpse into her tenacious adventure. 

At the southern terminus.

Looking North towards Canada.


Saw a few people. This is Papa Bear he and his friend 
live in CLEEF and were there offering water, and advise
to NOT push too hard at first. A guy from S CA named, Tran,
is trying to do 15+ miles his first day. 

Pretty little creek. 

This was not her stopping point today she went further.
But I just wanted to show you that we can 'ping' her at
any time and find exactly where she is. This brings this 
Thru Hiker Momma a LOT of peace. 

  Well, Kristi has stopped for the night, pitched her tent, is eating, and has had a wonderful day. The wind blew most of the day but it was sunny and fair. All said, a terrific start to her first day. Now...I hope she can sleep. ;) 


Can we be blessed in adversity? Of course!

  13-15 April, 2022 (Wednesday thru Friday) Well, I’m back in Idyllwild. Story to follow😒. Here is what happened this week in photos…  1&am...