24 March 2022

Night one...meh!

 23 March, 2022 (Tues night)

   I spoke with Kristi as she was turning in for the night. Setting up her tent went well albeit a little scaddywompus.  But she was content with how setup went and was anxious to cook a ramen meal that she and Ryan had meticulously made adding dehydrated meat, veggies, and such. She was alone and no-one was camping close to her. But she was happy with how far she went and the events of the day.

The PCT trail. 

Kristi Dodge adventurer. 

   When I spoke to Kristi this morning one of things most pressing on my mind was, how did she sleep? She is tough but likes her sleep to be quiet, dark, and noiseless. So here is a picture of her tent. 

This is an ultra-lite tent. I'll insert the name and specs
of this tent soon. Let's suffice it to say that it weighs ounces
not pounds, the fabric is extremely tough. 
Kristi researched everything and the reports on this tent were
fantastic with veteran hikers saying they'd had this tent
for a few years of rough hiking and still this tent had zero tears. 
Also, with her stuff sac it becomes this tiny 
cylindric orb that fits in the bottom of her pac.

However light this space age fabric is, it is also very
transparent and I knew this may lead to some sleeping
issues as our beautiful moon that gives light to the night
may pose a problem as it shines into her tent.

   I was correct in my assumptions, and the moon had her improvising with a jacket over the eyes. Also, there were adjustments with her sleeping bag and air mattress. All in all she was able to get a little bit of sleep. I'm sure she will find more and more ways of rigging things so she can find the best way to get comfortable so she can get some good rest soon. 

   She reported that her dinner that she made was super delicious and she was glad for the nourishment. She doesn't eat much, and said she had leftovers for her noon  meal. She snacked on a banana from the Thurston's, fruit snacks, and other little treats. 

    FYI- Ready made dehydrated meals are between $9.00 and $16.00 depending on the meal. So Kristi has purchased many dehydrated fruits, veggies, and meats, and she and Ryan (her boyfriend) have spent hours and hours in the kitchen of my house making their own at about $3.99 per meal. They made over 100. They were packaged with mylar bags complete with oxygen depleting packets. Yes, we know that won't be enough but we definitely wanted her to eat them for a while to see if she likes them, if her stomach could tolerate them, or if she gets sick of them. So for now her report that it was delicious is good, very good.

   I have laughed as people have asked how I am doing. With a smile I have explained that I'm great, but my house looks like base camp threw up in it. Here are some pictures:

Preparing meals and still smiling. 

Hygiene items.

Special clothing right down to the socks. 
The wool socks on the left, NOT the anklets on 
the right, those are staying. 

Making re-supply boxes.

A view of the re-supply boxes.

   Since Kristi cannot carry everything she'll need, she has re-supply boxes that will have different items in them as she progresses through her journey. For instance, there is no need for her to carry ice crampons, and snow gators through 700 miles of California desert. Ryan or I will send these boxes strategically ahead of her so when she gets into towns along the PCT there will be a box waiting for her. The post offices along the PCT have been doing this for years and they charge $10. per box to hold them. She even has her own duct tape with duckies on it to easily identify her boxes. She is actually amazing. 

  Tonight when I talked to her she was planning to 'Cowboy' it which means she is sleeping under the stars tonight, no tent. Let us pray. ;) 


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