17 April 2022

Can we be blessed in adversity? Of course!


13-15 April, 2022 (Wednesday thru Friday)

Well, I’m back in Idyllwild. Story to followπŸ˜’. Here is what happened this week in photos… 

1&2-I stayed with some friends Monday night at an AirBnb waiting out the wind storm before I started climbing Mt San Jacinto. I was off that morning to get back on Trail. 

3- I’m so happy posing in the Town Circle

Town Circle

4&5- I’m talking to Ryan on the phone and showing him what I am looking at and what I look like. Taking a break on the trail sitting on a rock eating a Cliff bar.

Not Pictured: I fell. Hard. My left kneecap took a direct hit to a Very Large Rock. The wind was still terrible Tuesday. I think what happened is I stumbled on a smaller rock and the wind just took me right at the same time before I could recover. I was 8 miles into the trail. 

Luckily I had seen my friends Tough Enough and Mudslide. I knew they were .2 miles ahead at our next water source. I walked to them with tears in my eyes.. limping.. I needed them to walk with me for a bit.

The next tent site with limited wind exposure was 2.7 more miles ahead. Mudslide hiked ahead of Tough Enough and I. She came back and carried my pack the last .9 miles. We set up our tents and I went straight to bed. My knee was already very swollen.

                     Mudslide, Tough Enough, and Me

I woke up. My knee felt very much the same, if not worse. But, I had to hike 2.7 miles more to the next escape route of the Mt. and then the side trail was 2.3 miles down to a parking lot that day hikers used. 

You got it folks… that’s almost 8 miles I got to walk.

6&7 are of a look out point where we stopped to take photos of us the morning after my fall. Miraculously my pain was at 7 when I woke up… but while I was moving it was between a 2&3 πŸ™ŒπŸΌ That is Mud Slide and Tough a enough and me.. in that order Left to right 

I am so lucky to have great friends and the MOST supportive community here out on the trail!! Grumpy, a Trail Angel, was the one who took me from town to the trail Tuesday morning.. and was the one who came back to rescue me on Wednesday at 12:30pm and drove me back to Debbie/Casino’s AirBnb.

8&9 Morgan Brosnihan the most amazing Physical Therapist just so happened to be still in town and came by Wednesday night to tape me up. Thursday morning she was there again to put compression boots on me. 

Morgan Beosnihan PT… I feel so blessed. 

Compression boots. 

I am so very grateful for many many things this week! I’m so glad the wind pushed me directly down and not OVER the mountain. This is not an exaggeration. Many people have lost their lives to that Mountain. All sexes and all ages.

I am grateful I was able to have a signal so that I could talk to Sandi and Ryan the night I fell and the day I was hiking back to town… 😞

I am grateful Debbie and Edda still had the AirBnb and that Morgan was still in town and I could have peace of mind that it’s just an awful bruise and nothing is broken. So, my mind could quickly grasp I COULD HIKE AGAIN after a few days of rest!

I am grateful for Grumpy and also Laura Wilson! They truly are angels!! Laura is letting me stay with her for the night until Ryan gets here tomorrow for a previously scheduled rendezvous in Big Bear πŸ’• Instead of him just meeting me at Big Bear.. he’ll drive to come get me from Idyllwild πŸ’• 

10- is a selfie I got from my mom of her and Ryan. He came by to get some resupply to bring to meπŸ₯°

Ryan & Thruhikermomma 

11&12 “The Goddess Cottage” I get to stay in tonight. The swelling has significantly gone down and I am hobbling a bit better now. 

I’m staying in the Goddess Cottage to heal a while. 

This journey is a roller coaster of ups and downs. What a wonderful magical and blessed experience I am having!

12 April 2022

Not lions, or tigers, or bears...but SNAKES, Oh my!

 11 April, 2022 (Tuesday)

Kristi: "Sleuth is Yogi’s friend who serves as one of the Admin on the special PCT2022 group you are in Mom... She’s in the blue shirt. She’s probably Aunt Shanny’s age. I’m hoping to walk into town and meet her and some of the other girls for donuts. That is Darn Tough in the light blue, and Mudslide in the tan."    

    This is what Kristi posted yesterday. She was taking a 'zero' day (meaning zero miles) to wait out a storm. 

   Kristi: "I made it to Paradise Valley Cafe and was able to get some FOOD!!! I called my mom to talk to me the last 1.5m to the cafe. I kept thinking I just want a calorie and to wash my hands in a sink!! I repeated that many many times. Then I got a hitch in with my friends Metric and Trix to Idyllwild where I met up with my friend Morgan with @blazephysio”

This is Honey. πŸ’—

πŸ’• “We went and did a home stop to one of the hiker AirBnb’s where Honey gazed at me so obediently while I ate my burger. I ate the 3rd and last helping of my burger this morning for breakfast 😎 staying hydrated and fed has indeed been the hardest part for me so far. I’m so grateful for town days when I can sleep and eat. Off now to do laundry and find some donuts and a grocery storeπŸ‘€"
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

   Sometimes as thru hikers they have to make tough calls to take ‘zero’ days (meaning hiking zero miles) and stay in town. Most of the towns along the PCT have hostiles that are much cheaper than getting a nice room in a hotel. Although sometimes along the route that may happen if the hostiles are full. But in Idyllwild Kristi was able to find a spot for about $30. a night. She is headed next into the San Jacinto mountain range and some of the trails are very steep, and the trail precarious. They use the word ‘treacherous’.

    I have watched YouTube videos of the passes they speak of and agree 100% that they do not need to be up there with wind gusting like that. I’m thankful for all the reports on conditions and the FB groups (of hikers themselves) that report on real time conditions. Those updates are taken seriously and passed along. 

   Kristi didn’t take her clamp-on ice spikes as she didn’t think she’d need them hiking through the desert. So she wasn’t going to have us put them in a resupply box till she got to Kennedy Meadows and out of the desert. Remember, ultra light means packing nothing that isn’t imperative. However,  the reports from hikers ahead of her was that there are places along the trail with ice, and sometimes knee deep snow plus 70 downed trees that you have to sometimes traverse around. After this new round of storms Kristi bought some clamp-ons to go into the San Jacinto. 

   About the 🐍 snakes. Yes, there are snakes! A hiker named DeLong shared this photo with the group yesterday saying she saw three that day. This fella she almost stepped on as she came around a corner. Yikes! 

This guy doesn’t seem to happy.😳 😜😩

   Yes Kristi has seen them. And one night she heard one in the distance (too close) and still Cowboy camped that night. She said she prayed, and went to sleep. πŸ˜°πŸ€­πŸ˜‘πŸ˜΄

10 April 2022

Tough as nails.

 10 April, 2022 (Sunday)

   My daughters are all the bomb in their own respective ways. That absolutely goes without saying. They make me proud to be a Mom. And you know, I always wanted to be a Momma when I was growing up. I also suffered with fertility problems so each of my children come with their own unique stories, and each were extremely wanted and loved even before their arrival. But this blog is following the adventures of my oldest daughter Kristi. She is currently doing what so many, maybe thousands wish they could do, but for whatever reasons they can't or won't do what it takes to make this happen for them. 

    Kristi had a desk job in an insurance company in Dallas. She was a sales and retention specialist. She had a lovely apartment in Dallas, and her world seemed grand. She had so many choice and dear friends in her mid-singles ward there (at Church) and they went on adventures nearly weekly investigating the great sights of not only Dallas, but they even went all over the State of Texas and up to a Cabin in Oklahoma to fish, hike, boat, and tube. I think these trips with her friends inspired her love of hiking and the great outdoors. In her musical theater heart was born a love for exploration, beauty, peace, and solitude. 

    Kristi watched a movie about the Pacific Crest Trail called 'Wild' and the idea was planted. Soon she was spending her extra time researching, and digging into what it would take to make this happen. The obstacles seemed insurmountable at first, but in her mind, dreams, and prayers she was feeling a yearning to make this happen for herself. So, she asked me if she could come live with me for a few months while she prepared to hike the PCT. I was like, "Huh?" lol. In October 2021 I flew to Dallas to help her move out of her 3rd story apartment aided by her wonderful friends, and the Missionaries she put most of her things in a storage unit. And then after spending a few days with Cami & Jesse, we drove to Utah. But we had a few extra days so we went to see The Grand Canyon, which neither of us had ever seen before. I had seen pictures, but The Grand Canyon is something that nearly cannot be described with mere words. You must personally stand, mouth agape, stare, experience, and have all the descriptive words flood your overwhelmed mind and heart. I was drawn to God through that experience and when I saw Kristi there, I had an 'Ahhh hahhhh!' moment where I could understand my Kristi on a deeper, freer level. 

Kristi sporting the Grand Canyon as her backdrop. 

    When we got home she immediately began looking for a job. But she didn't just want any job, nope, NO desk jobs! Kristi knew she wanted to deliver boxes for FedEx, or UPS, or Amazon Prime. I think it was 2 days after we arrived she had a start date to begin working running boxes for Prime. She wanted this job to help her condition her body, legs, and back with the running, lifting, stairs, steep driveways, and goals. In her down time from work she was constantly researching products, gear, food, tents, everything she'd need to be successful. Everything, every single piece of equipment was researched and purchased with the goal that everything had to be ultra-light. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Which was fascinating even to us lay people. 

Kristi running boxes in the winter. 
With a happy heart. 

    I've seen this go from a spark of an idea, to a passion. I watched as she made tough decisions, uncomfortable decisions to make this happen. I how she really put personal agency on the line when pavement met the road. She was free...and if she wanted something bad enough then it was within her choices and power to make them happen. And as she prayed about this she found answers, ideas, and the courage to go for it. 

    Yes, I'm just the Thru Hiker's Momma, but I am like so many of you who are excited, inspired, and routing for her. We are thankful for all the support she has received. Thank you. 

    I can't seem to get enough of her phone calls, and listen to her talk to me and tell me her news. Trust me when I say I am jotting notes about what she is saying, where she is, challenges ahead, or ones behind. Like yesterday she finally got to a water spot with only 1/2 liter of water left and when searching for her water filter she found it had somehow fallen off her pack. But soon another two hikers came along and let her use their filter to get water. She was trying to get to Mountain Center, CA but now it was imperative. She would have stayed the night and camped with the girls last night but she was over 13 miles away from Mountain Center. So she put her head lamp on, left the girls and hiked another three miles further. You see, in Mountain Center is the trail famous Paradise Valley Cafe, and the most notorious burgers on the PCT. And she was about out of food too and they close at 3pm sharp. So she didn't want to risk having to go a full 13 miles today before 3pm. Thus she hiked an additional 3 miles in the dark last night alone. 

    I talked to her a while ago and she only had .08 miles to the road and another mile to hitch into town. It was 1pm. She was tired, her feet were aching, and she'd run out of food. Since she felt she should push on another 3 miles last night by the time she got to a place to camp she was too tired to cook and eat. She just ate some snacks and bedded down for the night. So being this close to town, she said she was so hungry and tired she felt like she was soon to hit a wall. I stayed on the phone with her as much as I could as I am at work. And I could hear the fatigue in her voice. She said she was almost this tired on one of her first days when she hit her 20 mile mark and was like...Holy COW! I'm going 2630 more! When she got to  Highway 74 she said she could almost smell the cafe and she didn't have time to stop and wait for a ride in case one didn't come so she was practically running into town. I tell you what...I was amazed at how quickly she did that last mile to that Cafe! I too was so happy for her when she saw a few of her hiker friends so she didn't have to eat alone. The wait time for a table inside was an hour. But they told Kristi she could go in and order now and they'd just call them and they could sit outside and eat. So she was like... GREAT! 

                                       What do ya think, does she deserve this meal? πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’—


09 April 2022


09 April, 2022 (Sat)

   Kristi is doing fantastic. A couple of days ago she was in Montezuma. Thru hikers have such divers backgrounds, stories, even countries, and yet they have a sort of kindred spirit. They get to experience this journey, open, free, testing one’s limits, keeping safe, helping each other, sharing, going ahead, falling back behind, laughing, and oohhh’ing and ahhhhh’ing at the majesty that is God’s creations for us. There is gear discussions, and cool gadgets to see. Learning what is absolutely necessary, and things they plan to leave in the next hike box. (Boxes of things the hikers no longer find useful enough to pack one more step are discarded into these boxes, and any hiker coming behind her can take what they like, or leave something) I know, brilliant! 

                                                     At Montezuma with fellow hikers.

Ahhh food! 

Kristi was able to purchase some chicken that 
she barbecued.

They’ve been climbing in some mountains but she’s had a great time. Yesterday she hiked with 9 or 10 different people part or most of the day. Here’s a fabulous picture of her:

Look closely and you’ll see the mile marker 
beside her on the ground. 200km! She said there
are many people from other countries. That’s 124.7 miles! 

   Yesterday when she sent me this picture, I had a huge wave of gratitude wash over me. I’m so thankful that she gets to do this. I’m amazed by her fearlessness and tenacity. I love hearing her talk and tell me stories. My kids have always loved to come home from their adventures and crawl into my big bed with me and tell me their news. After dates, dances, movies, etc.  Somewhere I have a picture of ALL of the kids in my bed chatting it up. Heaven. So to hear Kristi tell me things that are happening is healing balm for me, and not new to us. 

                                          Kristi said last night they camped up on a mountain 
                                          and she had a 360 degree view.  Beautiful. 

   Kristi said that in one place they had a plastic chair and a bucket she filled with cool water and how glorious it was to take off her shoes & socks and plunge her feet into the water and just sit there for a few minutes and soak her feet. Such a small thing made her so happy. Appreciation for small simple things are constant. She has been very blessed to have few real problems with her health, although she has seen many hikers with some serious injuries. Besides some terrible blisters, another problem is tendinitis, possibly from not enough preparation prior to tackling such a big hike. But also she is noticing a common thread to some of the issues is the new 'zero drop' shoes that are supposed to be the 'cool' shoes to have but are not so great after all. From October 2021 to 18th March, 2022 Kristi worked for Amazon Prime and ran boxes to help prepare her body for the hike. She was lifting, packing heavy boxes up stairs, and steep driveways, etc. She was able to test out several pairs of shoes that she's been reading about, and finally settled on the best pair for her, right before she left. She will likely go through 6-8 pair during her hike. 

   I may have touched slightly on the phenomenon that is ‘Trail Angels’. These are people who have had (or do have) children, spouses, or grandchildren who have hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and been blessed by the generosity and goodness of others. A few days ago Kristi came across several cases of gallons of water from Costco on a pallet near the trail, left at a place where water is scarce and someone may need a refill. Trail Angels are smart like that. 😊

   Yesterday Kristi came across one of these Trail Angels in person. His Trail Name is ‘Cheshire’ for his big wide happy grin, I’m sure. He was there with his dog and had set up a tarp for some shade, and had a bunch of fresh pineapple 🍍, apples 🍎, and watermelon πŸ‰. Here Kristi is seen taking a much needed break with a sweet chunk of pineapple. 

Cheshire is on the left, Kristi, and Metric on the right (he is from the UK). 

Apparently these trail names are serious business! 😁

   Many stories are shared along the trail of the appearance of trail angels with water, cookies, homemade granola bars, fruit, cold sodas etc. Some don’t see them often. And some seem to find all kinds of treasures. What a great concept! People are good! I hope I get to be a trail angel πŸ˜‡ while I’m visiting Kristi on the trail. 

   The other night when she camped with the guys and Puke and Rally 🀣 (I laugh whenever I say that) they decided Kristi’s trail name should be ‘Signal’ since she’s always checking to see if she has a signal so she can chat with Ryan or me. I like it! It has so many meanings. πŸ‘πŸ» I like to think of her as a beacon of light signaling the way ahead. 




07 April 2022

Oh the things you'll see.

 6 April, 2022 Wednesday

   This is ThruHikerMomma: I have been working my 7 night shifts in a row so haven't had much time to blog. But so many fun things are happening to her. I will get right to it.

   It is fun to ping her and see her steps during that day. I can see her exact path. I am learning to kind of read the topography of the maps so I can tell when she slows and is climbing, then I check the temperature and start wondering about her water situation. But let me put your minds at ease, she has maps, and instructions on where the next water is and she is educated enough on hydration to know how much she needs to carry until she gets to the next water point. I never question her on these things. My worries need not become hers. She's smart. 

This shows her progress. 
I can locate her at any time. 

   Kristi hit her 50 mile mark on 31 March, 2022. I know...I'm behind. There was a little rock marker laid out to let her know she'd made it to a milestone. 

Kristi at the 50 mile mark! 

    Kristi's words: 2 April, 2022 (Sat)

    "It's starting to get warmer each day. We will be in the high 80's by Monday. Let's hope I can keep hydrated waltzing into town today. Hopefully I can hike the 8.8 miles in before the trail angels stop giving rides for the day. 

    Depending on how I feel, I may skip town and re-supply on the East side of the freeway at Stage Coach RV park. That will save me money, as long as they have food. I am running out of food. I don't have enough to get me to Warner Springs without buying some in town/RV park. 

Headed to Stage Coach at 77 miles. 

    I am feeling much better and headed to Stage Coach RV park instead of Julian. I'm at 68.4 miles...headed to 77.3 today."

    Kristi's words: 4 April 2022 (Monday)

    "I slept well last night. And I was excited to be able to download the audio only for all four sessions of General Conference except the Relief Society Session which wasn't available yet. Happy."

    Kristi's words: 5 April, 2022 (Tuesday)

    "It's 7:24am and I am at mile 96.3. The sun is shining and everything is great. People ask me if I have injuries and I am blessed to say, no. I have heard some awful blister stories but I am well."

      .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .

    Tonight I thought I'd try to call Kristi and I hit pay dirt. I was able to get her as she stopped at what appeared to her to be an old camp ground that wasn't used any more. She was fishing her head lamp out of her backpack as it was getting dar quickly and she still had 1.5 miles to go to get to the campground she wanted to stay at. She was at 111 miles!

    While we were talking another 3-4 people caught up to her and said they should all just stay put and camp together. They said, "Stay with us Kristi!" So she decided to stay. She also caught sight of a lone picnic table and put her things on it. A picnic table? What a treasure.

    Kristi stayed on the phone with me so I could hear their conversations. One guy was from Canada, but there was so much commotion that she didn't delve into where. They discussed 'trip names' and one of the girls laughed and said her trail name is, 'Puke & Rally'. Hahahaha Yes, it's funny that thru hikers count every ounce they pack. They go to much trouble and expense to see that their gear is the absolute lightest and toughest. Apparently booze on the trail  is a necessity for some. 

    Kristi sat down on the picnic table bench and said, "Whew!" and they were all like, "What, what!?" and she said, "Man that feels good to sit on a chair." They laughed and laughed. Then started discussing luxuries. Puke and Rally said the folks at home kept telling her how much gas prices were going up, and they laughed because they have no need of gas unless they hitch a ride. 

    One of the girls said she came on the plane with her two friends who even went as far as the start of the trail...and then quit and said...we cannot do this. Basically...JUST KIDDING! And they left her there, but she was determined to keep going! Some feel the call, and many do not. 

    Soon Kristi broke out the food she had grilled the night before. Chicken. And she kept a piece to add to her dinner and offered the rest to her new found friends. Soon they were sharing beef jerky, and hydrating packets in a new flavor. Making jokes and having a great time. As soon as Kristi ate she was Cowboying into her bag and saying a goodnight. Sunrise comes early. 

    The last thing she said to me was, "Mom, I've never experienced stars like these. Last night the big dipper was brighter than the moon and I felt like I could just reach out and touch it, it was so big." 

Snuggling in for the night! 

    With that beautiful thought, we both wish y'all a goodnight. 



01 April 2022

Thing's she's been learning...the list.

 1 April, 2022 

    I was able to have such a great conversation with Kristi today while she was hiking. She actually had a bar or two on her phone for a few minutes. And she shared some of the things she's been learning which tongue in cheek I am sharing in no particular order:

* Peeing outside was a worry but has become easy to do. 

* Early to bed early to rise is awesome.

* I have learned how good people are. We are all out here with our own backgrounds and stories and reasons for hiking but we are a community and I feel like I would help anyone if I could, and they would help me. We watch out for each other. Example- One guy said that he carries extra water bottles on the stretches he knows water sources are scarce in case he comes across someone in trouble and needing water. Water is heavy, 2.2 pounds per liter, so that is very kind. 

* This is a journey not a sprint. No-one is judgie out here, we are keeping our best pace but the only distance worriers are not the hikers themselves. 

* Dirt is clean, but mud is dirty. Dirt falls right off if you brush at it, but mud gets into everything. 

* The taller the hiker the longer their stride so they can walk faster and further. I am not tall. 

* I love to walk.

* I love the sunshine on my face and body. 

* I love being outside, it makes me so happy.

* I see the circle of life. I have been walking through places where the wildfires have burned everything and yet walking through the new growth happening already this spring is beautiful, so green, and promising. The new growth is inspiring.

* I am seeing places that can only be described as 'rubble' I am sure from ancient times. We discussed how when the Savior was crucified there were major earth quakes and the face of the land was changed. 

* Sun screen is a must.

* I stopped to pee and got several minutes down the trail and realized I was missing something. I had forgotten my trekking poles and had to turn around and go back to get them. Remember you always have something in your hands.

* You have ADD even when you are outside. 

* There will be times you cannot set up your tent and that is the true meaning of roughing it. Last night the wind was blowing terribly but I could NOT set up my tent. The sand was too loose and my spikes kept pulling out with the wind. There were no rocks to put on top of the spikes, so...no tent. It was a long night and hard. 

* Ryan has booked his flights and car rental to come out and hike with me in a few weeks. 

* I loved seeing Monument Peak. It is a peak that has a beautiful view. Not Mount Timpanogos beautiful but for southern California and this close to sea level it is a gorgeous view where people have made monuments for their dead loved ones. Kristi read me some of the memorials and they were very touching. Yes, there was the old, "I told you I was sick!" one. lol. But there were also scanning plates so you could scan them with your phone and hear about their loved one or listen to their favorite song, etc. I feel like many ashes have been scattered here and this place is special. 

Monument Peak

* It snowed Sunday night and Monday so Brother and Sister Thurston came and got me and took me to their home in San Diego for a couple of days to wait out the worst of it. Joe their son made me a present in his class and gave it to me on our way home from picking him up. They have treated me so kindly.

Yup, snow! 

* I hit my 50 mile marker. 

    I will add pictures as soon as I have time at home with my Mac. I cannot upload pictures to my work computer. So come back often. :) 


Can we be blessed in adversity? Of course!

  13-15 April, 2022 (Wednesday thru Friday) Well, I’m back in Idyllwild. Story to followπŸ˜’. Here is what happened this week in photos…  1&am...