01 April 2022

Thing's she's been learning...the list.

 1 April, 2022 

    I was able to have such a great conversation with Kristi today while she was hiking. She actually had a bar or two on her phone for a few minutes. And she shared some of the things she's been learning which tongue in cheek I am sharing in no particular order:

* Peeing outside was a worry but has become easy to do. 

* Early to bed early to rise is awesome.

* I have learned how good people are. We are all out here with our own backgrounds and stories and reasons for hiking but we are a community and I feel like I would help anyone if I could, and they would help me. We watch out for each other. Example- One guy said that he carries extra water bottles on the stretches he knows water sources are scarce in case he comes across someone in trouble and needing water. Water is heavy, 2.2 pounds per liter, so that is very kind. 

* This is a journey not a sprint. No-one is judgie out here, we are keeping our best pace but the only distance worriers are not the hikers themselves. 

* Dirt is clean, but mud is dirty. Dirt falls right off if you brush at it, but mud gets into everything. 

* The taller the hiker the longer their stride so they can walk faster and further. I am not tall. 

* I love to walk.

* I love the sunshine on my face and body. 

* I love being outside, it makes me so happy.

* I see the circle of life. I have been walking through places where the wildfires have burned everything and yet walking through the new growth happening already this spring is beautiful, so green, and promising. The new growth is inspiring.

* I am seeing places that can only be described as 'rubble' I am sure from ancient times. We discussed how when the Savior was crucified there were major earth quakes and the face of the land was changed. 

* Sun screen is a must.

* I stopped to pee and got several minutes down the trail and realized I was missing something. I had forgotten my trekking poles and had to turn around and go back to get them. Remember you always have something in your hands.

* You have ADD even when you are outside. 

* There will be times you cannot set up your tent and that is the true meaning of roughing it. Last night the wind was blowing terribly but I could NOT set up my tent. The sand was too loose and my spikes kept pulling out with the wind. There were no rocks to put on top of the spikes, so...no tent. It was a long night and hard. 

* Ryan has booked his flights and car rental to come out and hike with me in a few weeks. 

* I loved seeing Monument Peak. It is a peak that has a beautiful view. Not Mount Timpanogos beautiful but for southern California and this close to sea level it is a gorgeous view where people have made monuments for their dead loved ones. Kristi read me some of the memorials and they were very touching. Yes, there was the old, "I told you I was sick!" one. lol. But there were also scanning plates so you could scan them with your phone and hear about their loved one or listen to their favorite song, etc. I feel like many ashes have been scattered here and this place is special. 

Monument Peak

* It snowed Sunday night and Monday so Brother and Sister Thurston came and got me and took me to their home in San Diego for a couple of days to wait out the worst of it. Joe their son made me a present in his class and gave it to me on our way home from picking him up. They have treated me so kindly.

Yup, snow! 

* I hit my 50 mile marker. 

    I will add pictures as soon as I have time at home with my Mac. I cannot upload pictures to my work computer. So come back often. :) 


1 comment:

  1. So glad you told us where to find this. An amazing lifetime journey


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