29 March 2022

Out of pocket...sorta

 29 March, 2022 (Tues Night)

    Miss Kristi has has had a plethora of experiences that are wonderful, filled with good people, community, good friends, and challenges. 

    Let me first tell you that I am the one that has been on vacation for 10 days. Part of that was going to St. George with Kristi and Ryan to introduce Ryan to Grandpa Moe and Grandma Marilyn. Kristi also wanted to show her Gramps her gear, and talk to him about her plans. He is very important to her and seeing him was just what she needed before her adventure. We went back to SS Sunday the 20th of March, so she could be on the plane Monday (21st) morning at 8am.

Goodbye for now...
Parting is such sweet sorrow. 

   Then I came home fore a few days and started her blog and prepared to head back to St George and then on to California to attend Cassi's Baby Shower. Which was very fun. Then back to St. George to stay another night at Grandpa Moe's and then home. I am back at work now so blogging should be caught up soon. 

    Let me give you the sweet and condensed version of what has been happening with our Fearless Fannie Pack Hiker. (She hasn't got a trail name yet so I'll float some by you). She has made several friends. Who is surprised? Kristi has never met a stranger and she is so kind, inclusive, and fun that people gravitate to her happy demeanor. To say Kristi is a people person is an understatement. 

So happy to have her reflective umbrella
on super hot days in the desert sun. 

Gorgeous views, peace, and beauty.

Kristi has 'Cowboy' camped a few nights which means she has not pitched her tent but opted instead to camp in her sleeping bag under the beautiful stars. Yes, I had my reservations about this since she is hiking in the desert, knowing that creepy crawlies love warm places to snuggle in the cool of the desert night. However, I have learned long ago that my fears should never become my children's. If I have strong feelings about something I will discuss it with them, but my kids know that they can get answers to their own prayers/revelation for their lives so when they feel strongly about something I usually acquiesce, get on board and become their biggest supporter and advocate. She actually really liked it, slept well, snug as a bug in a rug. The only thing she reported was that the dew from the morning had made the outside of her sleeping bag wet. Which she later threw over a fence in the sunshine to air out and dry. No creepy crawlies to be found. PTL

    She has met an elderly gentleman who is on the trail alone too, his name is Bill. And she has passed him with concern at leaving him happily sitting at the side of the trail. The next day she caught up to Bill as he had gotten up very early and had passed her before she got moving the next morning. One evening when she decided to cowboy camp he also decided to too so they camped near each other. She said she slept like a log. 

    Let me explain a little about the Pacific Crest Trail. The hikers have to have permits to hike. They only allow so many hikers to attempt it per year. There is a lottery for these permits and many are left out. But Kristi not only got a permit, she got the precise date she wanted to leave. They only allow 50 hikers a day to leave the Southern Border. So the trail is not like a ghost town. There are 50 people who left the same day as Kristi, and each day after until the end of the permits. So Kristi will see many people, and have oodles of opportunities to meet new friends, to hike and camp with them. They call them 'tramilies'. 

The bright orange GPS in her chest is a locator kind of like
back country skiers use. It's called a Garmin InReach GPS. 
The cost runs around $350.00 plus a monthly fee. 
I can ping her location whenever I choose, or I get a message 
when she sends me her location. It has brought me some peace for sure.
If she is in a life or death situation one push of the button
summons the helicopter and medical team to come get her
immediately. The cost is a mere $20,000. if they are summoned.

If one is looking for peace...here it is. 

   When Kris arrived at Mount Laguna she hiked to town for a shower, food, and met up with the Physical Therapist she'd met earlier on the hike who worked on her shoulder, even doing some cupping on it. I was on the phone with her since she had '1' bar, and could hear when she walked into the Cafe, several people called to her and invite her to eat with them, offered her come by their campsite to charge her phone and battery chargers. Etc. So far everyone is happy, inclusive, and ready to help each other, as they all have the same goal. Canada! One day she ate with three people from the Netherlands. Those who know Kristi will smile knowing our girl is in her element. The hikers are charged to camp at many of the camp grounds. For instance in Mount Laguna it was $30. for a site with electricity and $35. for a site with water and electricity. Kristi just paid to pitch her tent and that was $5. Showers, laundry, hot meals, are all extra $$$. If you feel so inclined and would like to do something nice for our FearlessFannyHikes ...her venmo is @kristidodge Thank you SO much. 


There was a big storm that came in on Sunday the 27th of March, so Thurston's picked Kristi up from the trail and took her home for a hot shower, warm bed, and amazingly wonderful food. The hikers are allowed, even encouraged to take 'zero' days and many stay in motel's, or are picked up by friends and family for a day or two before dropping them back off to continue their journey. We are SO thankful for Ted and Jane Thurston since it decided to SNOW too. Pictures forthcoming. Hiking is not free, nor is it cheap. Some stay in nice hotels once in a while but most. like Kristi, will opt for the cheapest ways to travel. If you have a hiking product or gear company and would like Kristi to use it to test or advertise it just message me and we will see that it happens. 

Many friends and family members have expressed interest in hiking portions of the PCT with Kristi. And or bringing her home with them for a 'zero' day or two. Nothing is quite as encouraging or uplifting to the hikers than to have guest hikers come along for a day, two, or a week or two. Or just to pick her up on a Sunday to take her to Church. I am sure her stories, and gratitude will make it worth your while. We have ways of tracking her but also we can plan accordingly and she can let you know where she will be and on what day. I will not be posting her exact whereabouts on social media, real time. If I post a mile marker it's been a while since she's been there. Safety first. But it will give you a general idea of her progress. 

    Again thank you to the Thurston family for their kind generosity to my ThruHiker, may God place blessings on your heads. ;) 




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